This hand puppet show was created in 2010 for Open Eye Figure Theatre's Driveway Tour program. This program tours puppet shows in backyards around the twin cities in the summer to strengthen neighborhoods and build community. The Amazing Cow Boat was collaboratively created by myself and Andy Kraft. Music for the show was written by Eric Jenson and the set was built by Steve Horseman. The show was been performed over 200 times between 2010-2014 and is a favorite among Driveway Tour audiences. The Amazing Cow Boat has toured to Tulsa, Oklahoma and Fargo, North Dakota.
The Amazing Cow Boat is 30 minute table top puppet show accompanied by live accordion. It tells the story of a young boy named Charlie who loads up his bathtub with toys and creates an adventure for himself. His cow toy magically turns into a boat that is part cow, part boat, PART AMAZING. Together Charlie and his Cowboat meet pirates, a nest of baby birds, and jump over the moon in search for the buried treasure.